Free masterclass

How To Kickstart Your Instagram Reels 

How to kickstart your Instagram Reels 


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                 & never run out of Reel ideas again!

In 60 minutes, we'll teach you:

How to get started the right way with Instagram Reels 

The proven system to coming up with 5 Reel ideas for your specific industry

The step-by-step Reels plan to creating Reels your audience loves!

Replay will be available!

Masterclass 1:
19th October at 8pm AEDT/ 19th October at 10am BST

Masterclass 2:
20th October at 9am AEDT/ 19th October at 6pm EST

Get your insider access

into how the Reels Queens exploded from 

13k to 140k+ 

Instagram audience

18 million+ views

Combined on Instagram reels

3x 6-figure businesses

Built within 1 year from JUST USING REELS!

And we’re showing you how you can do it too!



You’re spending hours watching other people’s Reels 

but when it comes to making a Reel for yourself, you’re second-guessing every move.

You’re feeling completely STUCK and CONFUSED

and you have no idea what kind of Reels to post that will engage your audience.

You’ve posted a few Reels, crossed your fingers 

and hoped for the best but then… crickets

You know you need to start making reels but feels so lost

and feel like you don't have the tech skills to create them. 

save your free spot!

If you said YES! To any of these, 



what's inside

Inside this masterclass, you will learn:


How to get started the right way with Instagram Reels

Instead of copying all the  "Reels trends" and lipsynicing Reels hoping for it to work, it's time to learn how to create Reels that bring you engagement, followers and sales!


Come up with 5 Reel Ideas your audience loves 

Not just any Reel ideas, we're showing you how to come up with 5 Reel ideas in 5 minutes that are SPECIFIC to your indusrty & niche!


The step-by-step  plan to create Reels that magnetise your audience

Get ready to walk away with a plan on how to use Reels to it's fullest potential (and stay consistent with it!) 

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You can’t miss this if you’re a…

Service-Based Business 

…who’s ready to take their brand to the next level, attract their dream clients on Instagram and stand out as a leader in your industry. But you’ve been feeling completely stuck with your Reels and have no idea how to make them better. 

Product-Based Business 

…who are feeling confused about how to use Reels for your brand. And you’re finally ready to see those CRAZY results happen for you too!


…who wants to become a leader on Instagram but your normal content just isn’t cutting it anymore! You want your content to attract BIG brands, pain collaborations and big clients to work with YOU!

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success stories

reels wins

student wins

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You don’t want to wait until next year to start seeing REEL results with your Reels. 

You want to start right now!

You can’t afford to stay where you are right now and grow your business 

You can’t afford to waste time, energy (and your sanity) trying to figure out HOW to use Reels on your own


Learn from TWO Reels Queens who have been where you are!

register now


Meet your reels queens

I’m your fudge brownie-loving IG cheerleader. With a degree in Communications, digital media and video production, I live for bite-sized content that shows off your personality (while making you money at the same time!!)

Because if you’re having fun with your content, the whole world will feel it AND they’ll definitely want to be a part of what you’re creating. 

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I started The Socialista as a social media management business and REELS transformed it into a multiple 6-figure coaching business just 9 months after going full-time in my business! 

Working with service-based businesses and coaches, I help you standout on socials and turn your followers into dollars.


Hey, I’m ALISHA!

I’m your shameless dog lover and Instagram hype girl!

Specialising in Instagram & Reels – I focus my zone of genius with product businesses & lifestyle brands.

Little did I realise, but when I first picked up a video camera at the age of 13… my passion for video production was only just beginning.

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I went on to study media, and then a Bachelor in Film & Television.

After working in the media and television world for two years, I left my 9-5 job to make a lasting impact in this world.

Nothing lights me up more than helping you to create your own impact and celebrating your wins with you.  




During COVID-19, Alisha found Mon on Instagram and reached out to her (and low-key felt like a fangirl). Even though we lived in 2 different states, we became biz besties and each other’s accountability partners. 

Then Reels came out. And, life (and Instagram) as we knew it changed!

We both have video backgrounds, so you could imagine we were in HEAVEN. So we started creating Reels, and both started seeing insane results. 

Then, our DMs were flooded with messages asking us to share the secrets behind our transitions. The secrets behind our REEL success (see what we did there?)

Then, Alisha popped the question,

It all started with a DM.

“I know you live in Sydney, and I live in Melbourne, and we’ve never met one another before, but would you like to create an Instagram Reels course with me?” 

Both fully booked in our own coaching, we realised we could provide double the value, double the secrets AND to more struggling brand owners - that together we could give people a crazyyy amount of value. So we decided to strike while the iron was hot (aka when Reels were in the baby phase), and BOOM 

We’re so excited to be able to guide your reel journey because once a Reeler - ALWAYS a Reeler!

We do what we do because we want to invest in our Reelers. We want to take the results we’ve gotten and transfer them to our students (or, as we like to call them - our Reelers!) And we’ve seen INSANE results from them!

Then finally, 8 months after creating the course, on the fateful day of the 15th of May 2021, I (Alisha) picked Mon up at the airport with a big ass sign and a huge smile -- thinking she’s shorter in person. And now we couldn’t imagine being partners with anyone else. 

Rise With Reels was born. 

Rise With Reels was born. 

What’s waiting for you on the other side

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You DON’T need 10k followers for your Reels to go viral 

How to kickstart your Instagram Reels

Free masterclass

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